Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I have to introduce myself......I am Nala!!!

I am NOT a happy camper!!! I seem to feel this way most of the time. I was adopted from a local pet store in the summer of 2005. When I first came home, I wouldn't even let Kathy or Melissa touch me. It took almost a year before I finally warmed up to them. I still don't like to be picked up and held-- I tend to squirm around alot and get frazzled. It's possible I may have been abused as a kitten -- will never know for sure, I don't remember.

Monday, January 26, 2009

I am Gizmo..king of the household!!

Just let me sleep!!! I am "Mr. Sociable" and "Mr. Chatterbox" tabby. Nala and I have almost completely opposite personalities. You usually know when I am around...don't know when to shut up!!. Melissa and Kathy can easily pick me up and throw me over their shoulder with no problem. I loves to knead on Kathy's stomach (I now it's weird, but I sooo love to do it!!).

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Life... According to Nala (Okay, people I'm finally speaking my mind!!)

I have to tell you that I love to sit and stare at Kathy. When she decides to chill out for the evening and watch TV that's when I do my "staring routine". I can see her looking at me from the corner of her eyes. I know that she thinks I am the "little demon", but I just look that way sometimes. My face is quite adorable. Gizmo hasn't figured me out yet. I always keep him guessing -- performing my little "angel/devil act". I'll be all nice, give him a few good licks then.....WHAM!!...I spring into attack mode. He doesn't even see it coming. He gets all frazzled and I end up chasing him all over the house. I absolutely love it!!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Life....According to Gizmo (I do soooo love to talk!!)

Meow, Meow, Meow...Life's a big 'ol party....Meow, Meow, Meow. I never miss an opportunity to pester Kathy whenever she sits down at her computer. What obnoxious things do I do.. you ask???

1. Put front paws on lap, look up and continually whine until she has to pick me up
2. Walk across computer keyboard, so she can't see the screen
3. She puts me down...I whine...she picks me up..(you get the idea)
4. Make my grand entrance into kitchen with a resounding "meeeeooowww", climb up
on the "Gizmo chair" (she came up with that one...really stupid) and proceed to
whine until she talks to me and says, "Gizmo, go find Nala".

I know they love Nala better -- she hardly says anything, just stares alot. Kathy's fiance calls me "pain in the butt". I don't care. I am loving life!!!