Memories of Calvin
We understood each other perfectly, but
we never made any fuss about it; when I
spoke his name and snapped my fingers, he
came to me, when I returned home at
night, he was pretty sure to be waiting for
me near the gate, and would rise and
saunter along the walk, as if his being there
was purely accidental - so shy was he
commonly of showing feeling. There was
one thing he never did - he never rushed
through an open doorway.
He never forgot his dignity. If he had asked
to have the door opened; and was eager to
go out, he always went out deliberately; I
can see him now, standing on the sill,
looking about at the sky as if he was
thinking whether it was worthwhile to take
an umbrella, until he was near having
his tail shut in.
Charles Dudley Warner