Thursday, April 30, 2009

Nala's World -- The Cat That Licks the Hand

As you can see, I have found a perfect time to lick Kathy's hand while she types on her blog. My favorite licking time is at night while she is watching TV or after she retires to her bed. I admit it.....I have a hand licking habit...I'm an addict...I can't help myself!!!! Everybody think it's down right weird. I can't have Gizmo find this out...I would be sooo embarrassed and humiliated.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Gizmo's World -- Yummy, Yummy in the Tummy!!

Here I am in Kathy's kitchen. I found something much more scrumptious than Nala's stale loaf of bread. These lemon poppy-seed muffins look totally awesome!! I think I'll have to sample one before Kathy comes back into the kitchen. (bottom photo) She already thinks that I am a pig!!!-------I just had a taste.....yummy, yummy...I'm in kitty heaven!!! (top photo). She also makes blueberry, chocolate chip and corn muffins. I'll just have to sample them all. Even us felines can have a sweet tooth!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Nala's World -- A Snack in Kathy's Kitchen

Here I am in Kathy's kitchen. How can I get a morsel of that delicious bread??? It looks sooo much more appetizing than the same old cat food that we have to eat every day. I would gladly give up being household queen if I could have a chunk of that everyday!!! Humans eat it all the time with butter -- why can't us felines have it too...and the butter???

Monday, April 20, 2009

Gizmo's World -- I Have Claimed Possession of the Bathroom Window!!

No more peeking under the stupid curtains anymore!!! I finally fought for and taken over the bathroom window from Nala. It's a great place to check out the bird feeder in the backyard. I can easily jump on the counter, hop over the sink, and gaze out the window. Can't wait until the weather gets warmer...Kathy will open up the window and I can jump up, relax and bask in the sunshine.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Nala's World: The Queen On Her Throne!!

It's a lovely, extremely comfortable patio chair...but who is sitting in this chair...hmmmm??? NO,IT'S NOT A STATUE OF A CAT...NO, IT'S NOT A STUFFED ANIMAL CAT...IT'S ME, OF COURSE!!! I decided to take my Saturday afternoon nap on the screened porch. Gizmo usually naps on the chair on my left. We each have our very own assigned porch chair. Aside from napping, this porch is great for checking out the birds and, of course, killing some flies. I know that makes Kathy extremely happy. There must be some kind of award for keeping the fly population in check. I would most certainly win with top honors!!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Gizmo's World - What Do You Want????

I am putting my paw down!! Nala will not push me around anymore!! This window is MINE!!! No more peeking up inside window curtains anymore!!! Nala can have the bathroom window when she wants to gaze out at the stars.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Nala's World -- It's Great To Be Beautiful!!!

One more terrific pose for the camera. I have many favorite places where I like to
relax and sleep. Kathy's clothes drawer is sooo soft and comfortable. I know she doesn't like it when I shed on her clothes, but she'll get over it. I must say this pic definitely shows off my feline beauty...don't you think??? Can't fix perfection!!!

Kathy's Journal - Good News From The Animal Shelter

I spent some time at the animal shelter this past weekend. I found out some really wonderful news!!! Many of the cats and dogs (even the black/white rabbit) had been adopted this past week. The beautiful white female -- Polly (pictured in one of my earlier posts) was one of the cats adopted. I had a feeling that she wouldn't be there long. Everytime I was there, she usually attracted interest from a visitor. It's great to see that there are many caring, loving people out there that are genuinely interested in taking one of these animals into their homes. The animals that are there are well taken care of and receive a lot of attention from volunteers like myself and those that come and visit.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Gizmo's World - What Am I Sitting On???

I absolutely love this "cushiony" little seat they have in the bathroom. I don't have any idea why it's in here. Probably something they just use for decoration. I'll never understand the mind of humans.....and they think us felines are a mystery....

Monday, April 6, 2009

Kathy's Journal - My Pictures of Awsome Canines Needing a Good Home!!

Here are some dogs at the animal shelter that are waiting for adoption (pictured above):

Cindy: A 3 1/2 month old female bichon/poodle mix. She's a real cutie!!!
Abby: A 3 1/2 year old beagle.
Riddick: A beautiful male husky

The shelter currently has mostly big dogs with the exception of Cindy, Abby and a small black puppy. They all love to go outside and get some exercise. As a volunteer, I can take a dog outside either for a walk or into one of the fenced in pens so they can play. The enclosed pens usually have dog toys and small doghouses set up for them. On Saturday, I chose to walk a rather quiet, timid dog, named Deacon. He's a spunky, energetic male great dane/pitt bull mix. He really gave me
some good exercise once we got outside!!! Hopefully, all these dogs will find a good home.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Kathy's Journal - Here's Some Pics of Fantastic Felines Waiting for Adoption

I had some free time today and so I decided to go to the animal shelter and spend some time with some great feline friends:

Guiseppe, is the gray and white 2 year old male. He was one of the big males that the shelter has. We had some fun in the bonding room today. He was quite the explorer. I had trouble getting a good picture of him because he wouldn't stay still long enough. A very playful and frisky feline!!!

Sierra is the 3 year old tortie. She's a cutie!!

Beaver is the little 4 month old male white/tiger kitten. He is absolutely adorable. I don't believe it will take long before he's adopted. I wouldn't mind taking him -- but Nala and Gizmo are enough for now.

Nala's World - Why Must I Share the Spotlight With Gizmo???

Kathy always wants to take pics of Gizmo and I together. I ABSOLUTELY HATE IT!!!! As you can see for yourself in these pics, Gizmo feels the same way. We keep telling Kathy that we don't like taking these stupid pics together. But, she insists that this is good bonding time for us. Yeah, right!!! I would like nothing more than to scratch Gizmo's eyes out. I am too scared to think what Gizmo thinks of me...I know he has some terrible ideas in that little twisted mind of his...

Friday, April 3, 2009

Nala's World - Hamming It Up For The Camera

WOW!!! What a closeup!! Don't I look adorable!! The camera absolutely loves me!!!!!
This is my favorite pose -- sitting on Kathy's desk!! What a fabulous feline!!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Gizmo's World -- Window Curtains Are A Real Nuisance!!

Since Nala refuses to get off the window, I have to degrade myself and poke my head under these stupid curtains. I can't see a darn thing --- these curtains need to come down. When nighttime comes and everybody is asleep, I will sneak in here and jump on these curtains and rip'em off. It's the perfect plan -- I'll just tell Kathy that Nala did it. I'll fix her, she won't be queen of the house anymore!!!

Nala's World - Watering Hole Saga

I was real cautious about getting into the bathtub yesterday. I saw something really weird in there. I didn't think it was alive and moving. Oh!!, but perhaps it's a bug that I can kill and devour...might need to jump in and get a better look.....OK, I decided to jump in...nothing in here that was moving.....should I take a drink???....needed to hurry...Gizmo was probably not far away. I know he hates to see me in here!!! I was really hoping to find a bug in here. I already killed and ate two flies the other day.

Gizmo's World - She Wrote That About Me!!

While Kathy is working outside, I am sneaking into her office to find out what she is writing about me. I am so paranoid!! I absolutely can't believe some of the things she wrote on her blog. Nala's asleep, so she doesn't know that I am in here either. Kathy needs some advice from me about what she writes. Her readers need to know that I am a good kitty and always very nice to Nala. I will have to a talk to Kathy about this because I am not a happy "kitty camper". Need to make sure Nala doesn't find out about this!!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Kitty Quote of the Month - April


I've been named Poosie, and I am spoiled
Thoroughly, thoroughly spoiled, and I like it.
And don't let anyone tell you different.
I lie upon the softest cushions,
Under the downiest covers
And love every moment.
I get the cream off the top of the milk every day
And special double thick, heavy on Sundays,
And I lap it up.
My owner is besotted.
She hugs and kisses me
And carries me around with her all day,
And talks to me and I enjoy it.
I'm spoiled rotten, and, friends,
That's the life.
Whatever I want, I cry for,
Crab, lobster, caviare, fish roes, sardines, fillet,
white meat of chicken,
You name it, she's got it,
I get it.
I don't want to work, or hunt.
If ten show-white mice were to saunter past
my nose,
I wouldn't lift a paw.
I'm greedy, graceless, shameless, lazy,
And luxury loving.
Everything that comes my way I take,
And yell for more.
I'm spoiled useless.
I admit it.
And I adore it.

Paul Gallico

Kathy's Journal - Volunteer Work at Local Animal Shelter

I took a trip this past week to my local animal shelter for some volunteer work. Spent some time with some of the adorable kitties that they have there. From handling some of the cats, I have discovered that felines, like their human counterparts, display many different personalities. Polly, pictured above, is a beautiful white medium hair female who is rather timid. She is skittish around me and justifiably so since she hardly knows me. In the bonding room, she seems much more content hiding in a kitty cubby hole than being frisky and playful. Elton, on the other hand, is quite different. He's an old boy at age 7 and just a little on the hefty side. Actually, he's a load to carry around. If you need to build up your biceps, he's a good one to haul around. I enjoyed our time in the bonding room. He was much more playful than Polly. I understand that the shelter is really pushing to get him adopted ASAP. I do hope that they find someone suitable for him. He would be a great pet for anyone. Polly might need additional time to warm up to someone, but in the end, she would make a wonderful pet to love. I am looking forward to eventually spending time with each of the cats there. If anyone is looking for that special feline or canine companion, I highly recommend visiting your local animal shelter. As I mentioned in an early post, Nala and Gizmo were both adopted. These animals need a loving and caring home to go to. I will continue to post my kitty and doggy experiences at the shelter.

Mouse Alert!!!! Bathroom sighting at 3:00 am

Last night/3:00 am: MOUSE SIGHTING!!! We had soo much fun chasing the little creature around the house. We managed to wake up Kathy and she found us with the mouse in the bathroom. Nala and I desperately tried to grab it. The little varmint managed to sit precariously on top of a little shelf just out of our reach. Kathy end up depositing it outside. Why couldn't she just leave it in the house...why, why, why??? We tried to tell her we would have apprehended it in no time at all. She absolutely has no confidence in our hunting skills. Mousetraps begone!!! I know we can do the job. We are extremely unhappy and upset about this whole episode.